
设备品牌: 宝宏
设备租金: 面议
发布时间: 2013-07-30 09:33
浏览次数: 38
汽车零部件专用清洗机制造商无锡市宝宏机械厂 自动磷化、电镀生产线、自动喷胶机、清洗机广泛应用于机械制造、汽 全车零部件、橡胶油封骨架。在涂装前对金属结构件进行除油、除锈、清洗、磷化、电镀处理。 我厂设计的磷化自动生产线专门结合德国Henkel、日本Parkerzing、武汉材料保护研究所等中外磷化液生产单位的工艺特点采用全新的设计理念,外型精致、美观大方。整机采用PLC控制,人机界面的触摸屏,即时显示设备运行参数,动态显示控制并可根据需求随时变换和设定多种参数,,自动化程度高等特点。 本设备具有完备的自诊断系统能将错误信息显示在屏幕上,方便排查、纠错及维护。 Full automatic phosphating and plating lines are widely used for machine manufacturing, automotive components and rubber oil-seal skeleton. Before application, metal structures must be deoiled, derusted, cleaned, phosphated and plated. Exquisite in appearance, pleasing to eye and brand new in design philosophy, the automatic phosphating line is developed according to the process characteristics of phosphating fluid manufacturers, such as German Henkel, Nihon Parkerizing and Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection, etc. The phosphating line is controlled by programming logic controller (PLC) and equipped with human machine interface (HMI) touch screen, which shows the real-time working parameters Enjoying high automation, it can indicate and control parameters on a dynamic basis. Meanwhile, the parameters can be altered and set up any time as required. Furthermore, this equipment boasts a well-developed self diagnosis system, through which the information of any fault is shown on the screen, thus facilitating detection, correction and maintenance.